Category: Culture
Monogamy: A Classic Love Story or Yesterday’s News?
Monogamy, long cherished as the bedrock of romantic relationships, faces questions of relevance in today’s modern world. Is it a timeless classic or a relic of the past?
Girl Power: Empowerment or Empty Slogan?
In a world that sells empowerment like a brand, is ‘Girl Power’ truly liberating or just another marketing gimmick?
Why We Can’t Quit Our Obsession with Young Women
In a world that worships at the altar of youth, women are both the deities and the sacrifices. Let’s unravel this cultural fetish that refuses to grow up.
The Dark Side of Wellness Culture: An Unfiltered Look
In a world obsessed with self-improvement, the wellness industry promises salvation but often delivers disappointment. Here’s why the pursuit of ‘well-being’ might be doing more harm than good.